Welcome to yoursocportal. This website has been designed to give you critical information regarding your classes in sociology.
This portal is a work in progress and developing in every moment.
So why a yoursocportal?
Well ... why not? It only makes sense to give you access to necessary information in an easily accessible format. Whether your in the classroom, a computer lab, on your cellphone or in the comfort of their home with your feet up on the coffee table you can grab hold of notes and lecture information to prepare for coming classes.
It will begin with the necessary notes and information
you need to be prepared for your sociology class and will grow and
expand to hold videos or footage seen in class and links to other
necessary or just for fun sociological information.
Reaching me continues to be made even easy. In addition to other emails you may connect with me by emailing booth@cynthiabooth.com.
Click your course to let yoursocportal begin working for you!